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Should I blog on my business website?

Person writing as blog article on a laptop

We have recently been asked whether it is worth the effort of blogging on your business website. Our opinion on this is…. absolutely!

The process of blogging can be time consuming. Thinking of ideas for posts, researching those ideas, writing the content and taking photographs or finding appropriate imagery can easily eat in to your busy day.

The payoff is well worth it.

What are the SEO benefits?


Internet search engines (Google) loves finding good quality content to rank highly in search results. A blog gives you the opportunity to be an expert in your field. If you provide value to others in your posts Google’s algorithms may choose your site as an authority on a subject. For example, a plumber may explore a new business direction fitting smart heating devices. It may benefit others if they blog a tutorial on how others can install the kit themselves. Chances are some people may find the article, realise that it’s too much hassle installing the kit and call the plumber instead. If the plumber has some success with that side of their business they may choose to post regularly on the subject increasing the chances that their posts will be listed higher in search engine results.

Local search

A plumbing business may only aim to target a local customer base. It may be that the plumber’s blog is the only website taking about smart heating products within a 50 mile radius. In this case they may become the authority for those products within a local area.


A blog can help provide a sense of community around your business. If you express opinions, talk about your company culture or post the odd photo of your team it may help a potential client warm to your business rather than a dull competitor.

Inbound links

If you post great, valuable and insightful content others may link to it from their own website. Typically, the purpose of a business website is to bring attention to your business. Blogging is a great way to do so. The number and quality of links back to your website is one of the top metrics tracked by search engines when choosing how to rank your website in their results.

Our blogging processW

Find out how we design and develop WordPress blogs for business.

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